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My Deliveree Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Couriers and Customers

Global Privacy Notice for Customers and Couriers














My Deliveree, trading as "My Deliveree" (hereinafter referred to as "My Deliveree", "we" or "us"), is the data controller of your personal data.

We collect and process personal data in connection with the use of our My Deliveree app by customers and the My Deliveree Courier app by couriers, as well as for the registration, integration and provision of our services, in accordance with the applicable terms of use.

Please note that the processing of geographic location data is generally necessary for the use of our platform. We may also collect personal data about individuals who interact with us, including by browsing our websites and using our apps. By using our websites, apps and services, you acknowledge that we are processing your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or your personal data, you may contact us using the contact information provided in the "Questions and Updates" sections below.


Personal data is generally processed in order to provide the service contracted with My Deliveree. We collect the following types of personal data about customers (directly and indirectly from third parties, such as My Deliveree Business customers):

  • Biographical and contact information, including name, phone number, email address, as collected during app installation;
  • Identification/verification data such as information on government-issued documents (e.g., ID card, driver's license, passport, or residence permit) and photos;
  • Information related to orders made through the My Deliveree Food app, including order details (special requests regarding meals ordered, culinary preferences, allergy information, etc.), dietary preferences, etc. ;
  • Geographical location from which you access the app and where you order the meal (necessary for the service);
  • Username, password, and associated account information, such as your preferences and any applicable promotional code, when you create an account;
  • Information from third-party services, such as Facebook, if you choose to log in through those services;
  • Assessments (including information provided to resolve disputes);
  • Payment information and payment history;
  • Information regarding your requests to order meals as a customer or your agreement to deliver meals as a carrier, including geographic location, time of service, details of the delivery route and destination, price paid, and other order histories;
  • Text, images, and other user content you provide;
  • Records of bans or suspensions if we prohibit or suspend use of the Service;
  • Données d’identification de l’appareil sur lequel vous avez installé l’application ;
  • Informations sur le site Web et les communications, telles que les détails collectés par les cookies et autres technologies de suivi lorsque vous utilisez nos sites ou applications ;
  • Détails des demandes d’assistance, y compris l’enregistrement de tout objet perdu signalé ;
  • Détails des infractions ou des infractions présumées, si nous soupçonnons raisonnablement une fraude.


Vos données personnelles seront conservées tant que vous aurez un compte actif. Si votre compte est fermé, les données personnelles seront supprimées, détruites de manière sécurisée ou anonymisées (conformément aux politiques énoncées dans la présente section) à moins que leur conservation soit requise à des fins légales ou réglementaires, ou pour des raisons commerciales légitimes, notamment pour des besoins de comptabilité, de résolution de litiges ou de prévention de la fraude.

Les données seront conservées comme suit :

  • Les données relatives à chaque commande seront conservées pendant un maximum de 3 ans après l’exécution de la commande, à moins que l’application My Deliveree ne soit supprimée par nous avant cette date.
  • Les données d’identification/vérification et les résultats de vérification seront conservés pendant un maximum de 2 ans après la suppression du compte pour traiter toute réclamation légale ou réglementaire.
  • Les données nécessaires à des fins comptables seront conservées pendant 5 ans après l’exécution de chaque commande.
  • Si l’application My Deliveree n’a pas été utilisée pendant 3 ans, nous vous en informerons et vous demanderons de confirmer si le compte est toujours actif. Si aucune réponse n’est reçue, le compte sera fermé et les données personnelles seront supprimées, détruites de manière sécurisée ou anonymisées, sauf si leur conservation est nécessaire pour des raisons commerciales légitimes, telles que la comptabilité, la résolution de litiges ou la prévention de la fraude dans les 12 mois suivants.
  • En cas de suspicion d’infraction administrative ou pénale, de fraude ou de fausses informations, les données seront conservées pendant 10 ans.
  • En cas de litiges ou d’enquêtes, les données seront conservées jusqu’à ce que la réclamation ou l’enquête soit résolue ou jusqu’à l’expiration des réclamations.

Veuillez noter que la désinstallation de l’application My Deliveree de votre appareil n’entraîne pas la suppression, la destruction ou l’anonymisation automatiques de vos données personnelles.


Nous traitons les données personnelles des coursiers principalement pour l’exécution des contrats établis avec eux. Nous collectons les types de données personnelles suivants, directement ou indirectement (par exemple, à partir de sources tierces et d’informations accessibles au public) :

  • Informations biographiques et de contact, telles que le nom, le numéro de téléphone et l’adresse e-mail ;
  • Informations bancaires ou financières, ainsi que les informations de paiement ;
  • Localisation géographique lorsque les coursiers sont connectés à l’application (ce qui est nécessaire pour le service) ;
  • Données démographiques ;
  • Informations de compte, y compris l’identifiant de l’utilisateur ;
  • Détails des commandes effectuées, des trajets réalisés, des évaluations et la durée des services fournis chaque jour ;
  • Estimations de tarifs, tarifs réels et autres données relatives au paiement ;
  • Historique des bénéfices et données fiscales ;
  • Textes, images et autres contenus utilisateur fournis par vous ;
  • En cas de retrait de votre droit d’utiliser le service, tout avertissement ou enregistrement relatif à ce retrait ;
  • Données d’identification de l’appareil sur lequel l’application My Deliveree a été installée ;
  • Informations sur le site Web et les communications, telles que les détails collectés par les cookies et autres technologies de suivi similaires lorsque vous utilisez nos sites ou applications ;
  • Détails des demandes d’assistance effectuées, que ce soit via nos applications ou autres canaux de communication ;
  • Réclamations des clients concernant les livraisons effectuées par le coursier ;
  • Informations relatives aux vérifications des antécédents conformément aux exigences locales, pouvant inclure des certificats médicaux, des certificats de tests topographiques et/ou des certificats de tests linguistiques ;
  • Données concernant les condamnations pénales et infractions, si la législation applicable l’autorise ou l’exige ;
  • Informations collectées auprès de tiers pour vérifier les informations fournies à My Deliveree lors de l’inscription ;
  • Enregistrements de toute demande d’accès à vos informations faite par les autorités judiciaires, réglementaires ou gouvernementales.

Nous collectons et traitons ces données personnelles pour assurer la conformité réglementaire, vérifier les qualifications nécessaires à l’activité de livraison de nourriture, maintenir les relations contractuelles associées à l’utilisation de notre application, résoudre les problèmes de qualité du service de livraison et surveiller votre conformité de manière continue.

L’équipe des opérations de My Deliveree peut consulter l’emplacement géographique d’un coursier, les informations sur les expéditions et les heures d’utilisation du service.


Vos données personnelles seront conservées tant que votre compte de coursier est actif, sauf si une conservation plus longue est nécessaire pour des raisons légales ou réglementaires, ou à des fins commerciales légitimes, telles que la comptabilité, la résolution de litiges ou la prévention de la fraude. Voici les détails de notre politique de conservation des données :

  • Si votre compte est clôturé : Les données personnelles seront conservées pendant une période supplémentaire de 3 ans.
  • Données comptables : Les données nécessaires à des fins comptables seront conservées pendant 7 ans.
  • Soupçons d’infraction ou de fraude : En cas de suspicion d’infraction administrative ou pénale, de fraude ou de fausse information, les données seront conservées pendant 10 ans.
  • Litiges ou enquêtes : En cas de litige ou d’enquête, les données seront conservées jusqu’à la résolution de la réclamation ou de l’enquête, ou jusqu’à l’expiration de ces réclamations.

Once we no longer need your personal data, it will be deleted, securely destroyed, or anonymized, in accordance with the policies set out in this section. Please note that uninstalling the My Deliveree app from your device does not automatically delete your personal data.


My Deliveree collects and uses your personal data primarily to provide our My Deliveree Food and My Deliveree Courier apps, as well as for legitimate business purposes. The following are the specific purposes for which we use this data, in compliance with data protection laws:

To provide you with our services: We use your data to manage and execute our contracts with you, create and manage your user accounts, and allow you to submit reviews. This includes:

  • Customers: To forward your food orders to restaurants, accept your requests, and allow you to enter into meal preparation contracts with restaurants.
  • Couriers: To onboard you as a delivery service provider, facilitate customer interactions, decide whether or not to execute a delivery, and facilitate communication with customers.

Order management: We use your data to find and assign orders to couriers based on your location, and to provide additional information to restaurants and couriers to facilitate communication.

Payment facilitation: We process data to facilitate payments between customers, restaurants, and couriers.

Assistance and Support: We use your data to provide assistance, troubleshoot service quality issues, answer questions from customers, restaurants, and couriers, and notify you of updates regarding our services.

Legal compliance and fraud prevention: We use your data to carry out necessary checks (e.g. to comply with legal requirements), prevent fraud (including fraudulent payments) and record information related to fraud attempts. In some jurisdictions, we may also share income data with tax authorities.

Research and development: We analyze data to improve our services, websites, and apps, optimize geographic coverage, and make recommendations. We also use the data to create user profiles to personalize experiences and communications, including through advertising and analytics.

Direct Marketing: With your consent or where permitted by law, we send you promotional communications about our services and those of our partners. You can unsubscribe from these messages at any time.

Partner campaigns: If you have shown an interest in specific campaigns run by our partners, we may share your data with them as necessary to carry out those campaigns.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use these technologies to understand and analyze your online interactions with our websites, apps, and marketing emails, in order to provide you with relevant and personalized content.

Reorganization or Business Transfer: In the event of a sale or reorganization of our business, we may transfer your personal data to the relevant entity or its advisors as part of due diligence, and such data may be used by the reorganized entity for the same purposes as specified in this policy.

We are committed to using your personal data in a compliant and transparent manner, complying with applicable laws and protecting your personal information.


We may perform automatic analyses of your personal data to make certain decisions without human intervention. This automated decision-making is designed to be more accurate, efficient, and secure than manual processing by our employees. Here are the main situations in which we use this method:

Access to Services: We may use information from your background checks, validation processes, and behavioral analytics (for example, to detect behavior associated with fraudulent activity or inconsistent with your previous submissions) to automatically decide whether you are authorized to use our apps and services. This approach is based on the need to perform a contract with you or a substantial public interest, such as crime prevention.

Price calculation: We may use data about your location, schedules, estimated delivery time and distance, and other relevant information, to estimate travel times and set prices for deliveries.

Complaint Management: The information provided through our support chat feature may be used to generate automated responses. These answers are then reviewed by a human agent who makes the final decision.

For each case of automated decision-making mentioned above, you have the right to:

  • Have the decision reviewed by a human: You can request a human review of any decision made automatically.
  • Object to automated processing: You can object to the processing of your personal data used for automated decision-making, as detailed in the section "Your rights in relation to your personal data".
  • Express your views: You have the right to make representations and challenge the outcome of automated decisions.

Please note that exceptions and limitations may apply to your right to object to automated decision-making, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We will provide you with clear information about the implications of exercising your rights and the processes related to objecting to automated decision-making.

We may, to the extent permitted by law, deny certain requests, including if disclosing the information would compromise a trade secret or interfere with the prevention or detection of fraud or other crimes. In these cases, our response will generally be limited to verifying that the algorithm and the data used work correctly and without bias.

For more information about your rights under data protection laws and how to exercise them, please see the "Your rights in relation to your personal data" section below.


We may contact you to send you promotional messages regarding the My Deliveree app and the products and services of our business partners. These messages can be sent via email, SMS, phone, social media, or other communication channels.

Where required by law, we will ask for your consent at the time of collection of your data before sending you marketing communications. This consent is required to carry out direct marketing campaigns on our website or in the My Deliveree app.

If you no longer wish to receive direct marketing messages, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the "Unsubscribe from direct marketing messages" link located in the footer of our promotional emails. You also have the option to unsubscribe through the Profile section of the My Deliveree app, or by contacting us directly using the contact information provided in the "Questions and Updates" section below.



My Deliveree may share and disclose your personal data to third parties in accordance with the purposes and legal bases described in the "How and why we use such personal data" section. These third parties may include:

  • Restaurants: When you place an order, we share your information with restaurants to facilitate the preparation and delivery of your meals.
  • Couriers: The data necessary for the execution of the delivery, including order details and your location, is transmitted to the couriers who make the delivery.
  • Prestataires de services : Nous collaborons avec divers prestataires de services qui nous aident à gérer et améliorer nos services.
  • Conseillers : Nous pouvons partager des données avec des conseillers juridiques, financiers ou autres, selon les besoins.
  • Partenaires : Les informations peuvent être partagées avec nos partenaires commerciaux pour la gestion des services ou des promotions.
  • Sociétés du groupe : Nous pouvons divulguer des données à d'autres sociétés de notre groupe dans le cadre de l'exploitation de nos services.
  • Cette divulgation est effectuée dans le respect des lois applicables et dans le cadre des finalités pour lesquelles les données ont été collectées.


My Deliveree is committed to ensuring the safety of all users of its services, whether they are customers or couriers. We take reports of misconduct very seriously and reserve the right to disclose information to third parties, including law enforcement, regulatory, governmental, or judicial bodies, when required by applicable law or regulation, or when we believe it is necessary.

If we receive a request for information from third parties, law enforcement, regulatory, governmental, or judicial bodies in connection with an administrative or criminal investigation, or in connection with legal claims, we will comply with that request to the extent that it is lawful and reasonable, and we are able to provide the requested data.

The personal data we may disclose may include:

  • Name(s) ;
  • Date of birth (if available);
  • Phone Number ;
  • Home address (if available);
  • Details about orders and meals ordered, including food preferences;
  • Details of the complaint filed by the Customer, the Courier or any relevant third party.

My Deliveree may, at its discretion, notify you that we have shared your personal data with these third parties, law enforcement, regulatory, governmental, or judicial bodies. In addition, we reserve the right to proactively file reports with the appropriate authorities if we become aware of any action or behavior that may pose a security threat or raise criminal concerns.


When the Courier accepts a request for a delivery service and the service contract is established between the Client and the Courier, certain personal data is exchanged between the two parties:

  • For the Customer: Once the service contract has been concluded, the Customer will be able to see the name of the Courier as well as its geographical location in real time.
  • For the Courier: For their part, the Courier will have access to the Customer's first name and first letter of last name, the Customer's geographical location, the details of the Order (including the Restaurant where the Meal was ordered), and the Customer's phone number.

In accordance with the data sharing agreement between the Courier and My Deliveree, the Courier is entitled to retain the Client's personal data relating to the performance of the delivery service for a maximum period of 1 month after the provision of the service.

Please also note that personal data exchanged between Customers and Couriers may be disclosed in connection with legal claims, in accordance with the "Disclosure of Personal Data for Law Enforcement and Claims" section above.


When the Customer places an order, certain personal data is communicated to the Restaurant:

  • For the Restaurant: After the Order, the Restaurant receives the Customer's first name and first letter of last name, telephone number, details of the Order, as well as information related to the Meal ordered. This also includes any specific information provided by the Customer, such as dietary preferences, cooking indications, or any allergies, if such details are disclosed during the order.

In accordance with the data sharing agreement between the Restaurant and My Deliveree, the Restaurant is entitled to retain the Customer's data related to the order for a maximum period of 1 month after the provision of the service, unless applicable law imposes a longer retention period.

Please note that Customers' personal data may also be disclosed to Restaurants and vice versa in connection with legal claims, as set forth in the "Disclosure of Personal Data for Law Enforcement and Claims" section above.


When the delivery contract between the Customer and the Courier is established, the personal data of the Couriers is communicated to the Restaurant:

  • For the Restaurant: Once the delivery contract has been concluded, the Restaurant receives the Courier's name, phone number, and geographical location.

In accordance with the data sharing agreement between the Restaurant and My Deliveree, the Restaurant is entitled to retain the Delivery-related data of the Courier for a maximum period of 1 month after the provision of the service, unless local legislation requires a longer retention.

Please note that Riders' personal data may also be disclosed to Restaurants and vice versa in connection with legal claims, as described in the "Disclosure of Personal Data for Law Enforcement and Claims" section above.


Although we cannot guarantee absolute protection against intrusion into the Internet or websites, we do implement reasonably adequate physical, electronic, and procedural security measures to protect your personal data, in compliance with legal data protection requirements.

The personal data you provide to us is stored on our secure servers or those of our trusted partners, and is accessed and used in accordance with our security policies. Where we provide you with (or where you choose) a password to access certain sections of our website or mobile applications, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential and for following the security procedures we have established. We recommend that you do not share your password with others.

We are committed to maintaining robust security practices to protect your information and ensure that it is treated with the utmost confidentiality and integrity.


You have the right to unsubscribe from marketing communications at any time. To do this, you can click on the "Unsubscribe from direct marketing messages" link in the footer of our marketing emails. You also have the option to opt-out through the Profile section of the My Deliveree mobile app or by contacting us using the contact information provided in the "Questions and Updates" section below.

Under certain conditions, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Access and copying of data: To receive details of the personal data we hold about you and to obtain a copy of it.
  • Data rectification: Ask us to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data. To do this, make sure to keep your user account/app profile information up to date, or contact us at the contact information provided below to report any necessary updates.
  • Withdrawal of consent: Withdraw your consent where our data processing is based on it.
  • Data portability: To receive a copy of the personal data you have provided to us in a machine-readable format, or to request its transfer to another data controller, where our processing is based on the performance of a contract or your consent.
  • Data Deletion: Request deletion of your personal data, including where our processing is based on your consent or our legitimate interests. Please note that uninstalling the My Deliveree app on your device does not automatically lead to the deletion of your personal data.
  • Restriction of processing: Restrict the use of your personal data while a complaint is being investigated.
  • Objection to processing: Object to our processing of your personal data where such processing is based on our legitimate interests.
  • Objection to automated decision-making: Object to any automated processing or profiling that has a significant effect on your rights and require an explanation regarding the logic behind any automated decision, as set out in the "Automated Decision-making" section above.

The exercise of these rights is subject to certain exceptions, aimed at protecting the public interest (e.g. the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g. the maintenance of professional secrecy).

To exercise any of these rights, we encourage you to contact our customer service team using the contact information provided in the "Questions and Updates" section below. We will check your request and usually get back to you within a month.


Some personal data can be accessed and updated directly in the My Deliveree app. If you have any questions, concerns, or disputes about this Privacy Policy or your personal data, we encourage you to contact us in the following ways:

Via l'application My Deliveree :

  • Go to the main menu.
  • Tap "Support."
  • Your request will first be handled by our customer support team and then forwarded to My Deliveree's privacy legal team if necessary.

By email:

  • Send an email to our privacy mailbox at
  • Please indicate in the subject line of the email: "Attn: My Deliveree Data Protection Officer".

We are committed to responding to your requests quickly and efficiently.